News and perspectives from the world of fiber optic networking

There's a lot to say in the world of fiber optic networking - planning, design, mapping, technology, software, database, permitting, dark fiber, fiber-to-the-home. The experienced network professionals of 3-GIS know the challenges you face & implement solutions daily.

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Feb 2, 2017 2:29:44 PM
Article Article
  • Telecom technologies

Improve network data using GIS

New telecommunication networks are being created at a rate never seen in our lifetime. There is a rush to get things built and new clients online to generate revenue. This fast - paced world is pushing for new technology to be adopted while causing pinch points in some areas and over-building in others. The cost difference of installing a 48-strand cable verse a 96-strand cable is nominal, so many companies put in more than needed in order to generate revenue from the dark fiber.

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Nov 2, 2016 1:47:00 PM
Article Article
  • Fiber network design and automation
  • FTTH

FTTH design & engineering standards- what you need to be successful?

Many of our customers are facing challenges as it relates to documenting specifications, data models and output required to support the end-to-end design and construction process for fiber to the home (FTTH). This is true whether you are considering utilizing conventional CAD based technology or leveraging a geographic information system. 3-GIS has faced these challenges head on with our customers and wanted to pass on some lessons learned for consideration.

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Feb 2, 2016 1:37:00 PM
Article Article
  • Fiber network management

Municipal FTTH planning - Do you have all the information you need?

Whether you're a city evaluating the feasibility of a fiber to the home (FTTH) deployment or a city being inundated by requests to support a carrier’s network deployment, contextually understanding the costs and supporting information required to plan a network is critical to success. This understanding includes data to support planning activities and its impacts on costs and network layout across your constituents.

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Jul 2, 2015 1:55:00 PM
Article Article
  • Fiber network management

Is your data yours?

Data ownership is a concern of most SAAS cloud customers and is made even more complicated if multiple entities are involved. If a customer transfers their data to a SAAS provider who then outsources its infrastructure to another storage or process provider, who is responsible if the customer’s information is unavailable, lost or corrupted? As with most legal concerns we can reduce our initial anxiety by looking closely at the positions stated in the relevant terms in our agreements and contract documents so let’s take a look at a typical scenario. 

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Mar 2, 2015 11:08:00 AM
Article Article
  • Fiber network industry and markets

3-GIS fiber network solutions - an interview with Co-founder Tom Counts

3-GIS works with telecommunications and engineering companies worldwide to help them plan, design, and manage fiber networks.  Clients range from having one user in an organization to thousands. Having such a broad customer base is a blessing, but it can cause confusion about the true scope of capabilities of 3-GIS | Network Solutions. 3-GIS Co-founder Tom Counts was the subject of a recent interview where he had the opportunity to address some of these common questions and misconceptions about the solution.

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