News and perspectives from the world of fiber optic networking

There's a lot to say in the world of fiber optic networking - planning, design, mapping, technology, software, database, permitting, dark fiber, fiber-to-the-home. The experienced network professionals of 3-GIS know the challenges you face & implement solutions daily.

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Jun 24, 2024 5:00:00 PM
  • Fiber network construction
  • Fiber network industry and markets
  • Fiber deployment

Can BIM help us build better fibre networks?

The development and deployment of fibre networks play a crucial role in shaping our digital landscape. As we navigate this era of rapid technological advancement, it's important to explore innovative approaches that streamline the construction process, enhance efficiency, and ensure sustainability. Learning from other industries can greatly aid in this endeavour. Building Information Modelling (BIM), a revolutionary methodology mandated by the UK government for the construction industry, offers many parallels to how we conceive, design, and build fibre networks. 

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Oct 16, 2023 8:00:00 AM
  • Fiber network construction
  • GIS
  • Communications service providers
  • 3-GIS | Web
  • Fiber deployment

Navigating the network lifecycle: Construction

Once we traversed the realms of planning, engineering, and field verification, we were ready to start construction.  This was our biggest challenge. Construction was the moment where theory met reality, and we were determined to turn our vision into tangible infrastructure. However, the path ahead was riddled with obstacles and divergent opinions, particularly when it came to meeting the needs of the contractor community and ensuring swift progress. 

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Feb 10, 2022 3:48:54 PM
Article Article
  • Fiber network construction
  • Internet service
  • RDOF
  • Communications service providers

Got broadband funding? Now what?

Have you received or considered applying for public funding to complete your broadband buildout? Governments across the globe are allocating more resources than ever before to increase the availability of high-speed internet access in underserved areas. In November 2021, the United States Federal Government passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) allocating $65 billion1 toward the expansion and affordability of broadband coverage to aid in closing the digital divide–the largest sum set aside by the government for internet improvement initiatives in the country to date.

The passing of IIJA and similar funding initiatives have opened up space for additional opportunities in both the private and public sectors. In response, numerous proposals have been submitted in an effort to add sources of revenue or diversify offerings. However, with various avenues to achieve coverage objectives, newcomers may find themselves unsure of where to begin. Below are four considerations before starting on your grant-funded broadband projects.


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Aug 13, 2021 12:37:00 PM
Podcast Podcast
  • Fiber network construction
  • As-built
  • Communications service providers

Tackling common challenges in the telecommunications industry

Because of the complexity of fiber, many of the common challenges faced by communication service providers (CSPs) today revolve around managing physical network assets. Historically, CSPs have often struggled with getting as-built records at the conclusion of the fiber rollout; but the necessity and growth of fiber has brought this issue further into the spotlight. As-builts are vital to avoiding unexpected expenses during deployment, particularly when construction strays from initial plans and designs.

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Jun 14, 2021 3:36:48 PM
Article Article
  • Fiber network construction
  • Fiber network design and automation

Checkpoints to confirm constructibility

Engineering firms aim to put their best resources on their most complex design projects. That is, they assign their top notch engineers and best software to meet the time and cost requirements. But even the most experienced design engineers need a few good rules of thumb to ensure the constructibility of the deliverable. We’ll share four of our team’s checkpoints that help deliver projects that streamline the processes to service activation.

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Apr 30, 2021 7:43:45 AM
Article Article
  • Fiber network construction
  • Fiber network management
  • Fiber network industry and markets

SSP easily starts your change to better network management with 3-GIS

Schneider Electric’s Fiber Manager was first introduced as a product about twelve years ago.  Since the original version, it has been enhanced to offer multiplexing and enhanced circuit management, but overall, the user interfaces and experiences are basically the same as when first introduced.  

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Mar 26, 2021 3:54:56 PM
Article Article
  • Fiber network construction
  • Fiber network management
  • Fiber network design and automation
  • RDOF

5 reasons asset management system is needed for RDOF fiber deployment

While there are many challenges that arise during any fiber optic deployment, construction and reporting requirements and deploying fiber in rural areas bring some unique challenges to RDOF projects. One of the most important actions that you can take to meet these challenges is to invest in an asset management system that can meet your current needs and scale with your changing business operations. 

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Aug 21, 2020 3:20:16 PM
  • Fiber network construction
  • Fiber network design and automation
  • Telecom technologies

Unleashing the power of configuration

Streamlined, efficient business operations is a top goal for telecom organizations around the world. Effective network management systems  fit your unique business environment and allow your team to get up and running quickly, reduce swivel-chair turns, eliminate bandaid workarounds, and decrease operational delays. The key to reaping these benefits? Using your configuration control to unleash the power of the application.

We sat down with Greg Connors, now Technical Product Manager at 3-GIS, but former Technical Lead at Level 3 Communications and longtime GIS specialist, to ask him about his experience with different systems with varying degrees of configurability. Check out what Greg has to say:

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