News and perspectives from the world of fiber optic networking

There's a lot to say in the world of fiber optic networking - planning, design, mapping, technology, software, database, permitting, dark fiber, fiber-to-the-home. The experienced network professionals of 3-GIS know the challenges you face & implement solutions daily.

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Oct 3, 2018 8:11:00 AM
Article Article
  • Fiber network construction
  • Telecom technologies

Bringing fiber to the city: 200µm fiber and collapsible ribbon

This series is centered around technologies and methods being developed for network densification projects as communities across the world prepare for the 5G revolution. This push for higher speeds and lower latency has driven the creation and implementation of many new technologies and construction trends that will allow for easier deployment of fiber networks. The first trend we discussed was the use of micro-trenching in infrastructure construction. If you missed that post, you can read it here. This week, we’ll discuss the use of collapsible ribbon and 200µm cables.

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Jun 28, 2018 11:33:11 AM
Whitepaper Whitepaper
  • Fiber network design and automation
  • Telecom technologies

The impact of machine learning on fiber network engineering

Fabion Kauker, 3-GIS Product Architect, presents the results of his research in a paper awarded at the 2018 Human Computer Interaction International conference as the best paper of the Human Interface and the Management of Information thematic area. The research looks at the trade-offs between three approaches that can be developed for fiber network planning to interpret satellite imagery and determine the location of residences or businesses.

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May 22, 2018 10:20:30 AM
Article Article
  • Fiber network management
  • Fiber network design and automation
  • Telecom technologies

Let technology power your rural broadband project success

If your organization wins an RDOF block, you will need to come up with a plan to build and manage your new network in a way that will maximize its return. Building large networks in rural areas is a big job with a lot of potential risks. Embracing technology, specifically fiber network management and design software, can help reduce the risk and bring efficiency to all phases of the new network. Here are some of the ways the right software can maximize the ROI for RDOF projects:

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Feb 2, 2017 2:29:44 PM
Article Article
  • Telecom technologies

Improve network data using GIS

New telecommunication networks are being created at a rate never seen in our lifetime. There is a rush to get things built and new clients online to generate revenue. This fast - paced world is pushing for new technology to be adopted while causing pinch points in some areas and over-building in others. The cost difference of installing a 48-strand cable verse a 96-strand cable is nominal, so many companies put in more than needed in order to generate revenue from the dark fiber.

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