Elevating telecom network management with advanced GIS tools

The world of telecom is changing fast, and managing complex networks is getting harder. But there's good news: GIS (Geographic Information System) is here to help and is changing how we plan, design, and manage our telecom networks. Let's explore a few ways using GIS makes a big difference.

Seeing the whole picture

Imagine having a magic map that shows you every fiber, equipment, and signal in your network. That's what GIS does for network operators. It helps them understand how much the network can handle and where it's being used. This is more important than ever, as studies show that people are using way more internet data than before. In fact, the average household now uses more than half a terabyte of data each month—that's 165% more than just a few years ago.1

With all this growth, network problems are happening more often and taking longer to fix. GIS tools help network designers make better plans to handle this huge increase in data use. Managers can keep things running smoothly day-to-day, quickly spotting and fixing any problems before they get worse. Company leaders can use this information to make smarter decisions about how to grow and improve the network to keep up with the data demand.


Making smart decisions

With GIS, decision-making becomes more data driven. Instead of guesswork or relying on old information, telcos can use up-to-date, accurate data to guide their choices. This is crucial, as the global telecom market is growing fast. Experts predict that in 2024, the world will spend $1.6 trillion USD (about $4,900 USD per person in the United States) on telecom services—4.3% more than in 2023.2

Advanced GIS tools help make better use of this massive investment. For day-to-day work, this might mean choosing the best route for a new cable or deciding which equipment needs inspecting first. For long-term planning, it could involve predicting future network needs or deciding where to expand next. By using GIS, telecom companies can make sure they're spending their money wisely and providing reliable service.

Building faster and smarter

In a competitive market, speed matters. GIS makes planning and design quicker by automating and informing processes such as finding the most efficient way to lay out new network paths. This means companies can finish projects sooner without overburdening teams and stay ahead of project deadlines.

But it's not just about speed. These tools also help facilitate better decisions about where to build. They can pinpoint which areas need more coverage or where adding new infrastructure will service the most people—saving time and money in the long run.

Finding new opportunities

GIS tools don't just help build networks; they also help maximize existing infrastructure by showing detailed information about the network. They make it easier to target areas of interest and use existing network assets more efficiently. For example, network operators may discover an area where many businesses are located but network coverage isn't strong. This could be a great opportunity to improve service and attract new customers. Or, they might reveal unused capacity in the network that could be leased to other companies, creating a new source of income.

Working together

Compiling data in a centralized geodatabase enables teams to seamlessly work together and different departments to use and update the same information at the same time. Additionally, integrating GIS with OSS and BSS software means less repeated work and fewer mistakes. Information moves easily between the enterprise, enabling everything to run more smoothly.

Advanced GIS tools are making big changes in how we manage telecom networks. They help us see the whole picture, work faster, find new opportunities, make smarter decisions, and work better together. For anyone working in telecom, from network designers to company leaders, these tools aren't just helpful—they are necessary to stay competitive in today's market. As the industry continues to evolve, those who make the most of these powerful GIS tools will be the ones leading the way in innovation and efficiency.


1 Network outages intensified and affected more users and services. EMARKETER. https://www.emarketer.com/content/network-outages-intensified-affected-more-users-services-2022

2 Increased telecoms spending expected in 2024. Statista. https://www.statista.com/markets/418/topic/481/telecommunications/#statistic1

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